Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Blessing #30 - 2 of our 15 minutes of fame

Right now, as I type, I am doing my "happy dance." It consists of the running man, the cabbage patch, and just plain ol' jumping up and down!

Why the cause for celebration? The Goodwill Commercial is up!

I don’t know if I mentioned it, but recently, Shad and I had the opportunity to film a Goodwill of Delaware commercial.


I did mention it? Really? You say I was so excited about it I could think of nothing else, so I declared the “Week of Goodwill” on the blog, and I only posted Goodwill posts for a solid week.


I also created an entire category on the blog just for Goodwill? Are you sure? I even had the guts to call myself an actor? I did that? I don’t seem to remember it that way, but if you say so.

Either way, I am pleased to present our Goodwill commercial!

If there was an Oscar category for “best performance in a 2 minute Goodwill You Tube commercial,” I would totally win it! I would have some stiff competition from Shad and Dawn (the host), but I would totally win it. Did you see the depth, meaning, and range when I yelled, “ShaAaAad!”

****Note: Dear Dawn (the host), I don't know why You Tube decided to freeze the frame right where it did, but I'm sorry.

Don't forget to enter the $20 Dayspring giveaway here.

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